Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is the scale that I recieved. handy little unit and very precise
Ok, so it pissed rain all day today, not trials on the wax yet. However yesterday, I found Batch 2 and 3 with turpenoid didn't mix and seperated under the top layer it was chucked. Made two more batches today. Batch 6 and seven, where I increased the oil content of the mixture, increasing one oil at a time. They came out pretty good and Batch 6 will go to test tomorrow, I am definitely getting a feel for how to create the consistency of the wax I want. I found out that too much of a certain oil gives too oily a mixture. Increasing another oil leaves the wax feeling less greasy and workable. We are on the right track, tomorrow I will take the makeup of 6 and change the slovent to see what I get. Already pitched one solvent as useless, turpenoid will only clean brushes from now on
Third up for the day was the same inputs as Batch 3, but Mineral Spirits as a solvent. I thought it was a dud as the top layer was hard, but underneath was the gold. I believe that using minerals spirits caused the wax to flash off a little and made the top hard as I left it to cool with the top off. Texture is granular like sand and very uniform. Interesting, Batch1,3,4 will be tested tomorrow and pics to follow
Next up was the same solvent but at an increased volume, and less oil. It wasn't bad, softer and more granular than the first, they melt up contact with the skin. Pics to follow. I stayed with the wax amount of the first as it gave me the desired amount of material, 4oz. Its starting to shape up but I think the Turpenoid is not a solvent of choice

Well I did a few more trials yesterday at B's house of wax magic. I fiddled with two solvents and changed the amounts of oils and solvents on a few of them. now that the scale is in it is much easier to chart progress and see how the makeup changes by varying the inputs. So on to experiment 1 for the day, we will call it batch two. I switched to Turpenoid from turpentine to see what would happen. Well the mixture turned milky instantly, not sure if its a bad thing but something different than the others. the mixture looks ok, has viens of white in it and is a little granular in texture
The first was hard as a rock, think I will use it as a hockey puck this winter. The second was very good, feels like a wax should. A lot more oil and solvent in it than I would have fist thought. I actually used the second attempt on the fender of my truck, smooth as glass, now we are getting somehwhere. I will continue once I receive my scale, but I have a very good idea of the formulation. more to come

this is the first pouring of Batch1. It is still in liquid form.

First Attempt

OK, so I had to eyeball the wax on the first attemp and got mixing in the double boiler. Melted the wax first, than added the oils and then the solvent

Raw Materials

Ok so here are some of the ingredients I have researched to possibly use for a homemade car wax. Not sure about prportions but its a start. I need a scale for sure in order to make a decent go of it.
well i have turpentine, linseed and coconut oil to mess around with, waxes include, cadellia, bees, carnauba(2 forms)

The start of homemade car wax

Well I am trying to take a page out of Rubbish Boys and produce my own wax. I found a raw wax supplier near by and have most of the other ingredients at an art supply store. I have 200 grams of various waxes, and some organic coconut oil. Time to start experimenting