Monday, November 24, 2008

Hard Waxes

A few samples of homebrew were sent out to a couple of people so I can get some unbiased opinions. Just seeing how usable a homemade wax really is. What I sent out would be considered a soft wax to me. I will be brewing up a hard wax off off of this recipe
7g bees wax
7g carnauba
3g Candellilia wax
10 ml of turpentine
25 ml of linseed oil
8g of coconut oil
This recipe actually yields a half decent wax.
Also on the agenda is a liquid wax, which I have no real idea where to start.


pjgh said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress with the hard waxes. I hope some of the guys on DW will show off their tests of your soft wax.

bryansbestwax said...

me too, I have some posts going up on Detailing Bliss